This page is devoted to "Diet and Exercise". The "Diet and Exercise Assistant"
(downloaded from is the fundamental starting point for most of the input given here.  Just clic on any  ">" below  and maybe there is a "Diet" or "Exercise" tip that will help you.  We welcome any tips that can assist us in our quest to feel and look healthier.  Why the  "Kick'nChik'n" ?  Well, let's see if I can explain:
A BHS alumni came up with the idea that if you picture a "ready to eat" chicken;  it weights three pounds.  So, instead of talking dieting to loose pounds, why not talk in terms of loosing chickens !  If you need to loose 6 pounds....we can say "I need to loose two chickens".  Pretty graphic !!  But, let's face it, maybe it works !
Submit tips to:  (email Subject: BHS Diet_Exercise Tips)
"Diet&Exercise Assistant" Program Help
Kick'n Chik'n
Diet & Exercise
"I lost 17 chickens !"
The Connection Between Calories and Weight Loss
Easy Ways To Cut 100 Calories Per Day
Specialty Foods (Healthy Choices !)