Pictures From 2003 Reunion
When you first bring this page up, give it a few minutes to load the pictures into the slide show, then clic on "next" to start the show. Again, be very patient with time to load pictures and after clicking "next"!  More pics to be added as they are sorted out, re-sized and uploaded. If any pics are incorrectly labeled or missing label, please let me
If this story doesn't stir you a little, you need a new outlook on life !  In the early hours of the reunion registration a man pulling a roll along bowling bag, appeared at the registration desk. He stood back in the background as if he were sizing the situation. His thoughts were later to be known as: "What Birmingham High School is this?"...."What class reunion is this?".....and many more doubting questions. Finally the man gets someone to recognize him enough that he can ask the above questions. The answers were everything he had hoped for. Not until you know that Hershel, a '55 grad of Van Nuys High School, was on his way to a bowling league at the Suncoast at the very time of our reunion; and not until you give Hershel the well deserved credit for being curious enough to explore a "Birmingham High Reunion" sign in the lobby; and not until you balance the odds of such a series of quirk events.....not until you put all this together and then are told that Hershel is the brother of Tyra Aron, a 1957 grad of BHS who has been on the "lost"list of alumni for over three years! ....Then and only then, given the location (Vegas) and the odds, do you wonder how things like this happen. Thank you Hershel for being so observant and curious!
We now can account for Tyra!
Now maybe we can begin to understand the phrase "A small world we live in".
Slide Show #2
Slide Show #3
A story to be told !

  ......See below......
Slide Show #4
Slide Show #5
Reunion Groups