BHS Portland Reunion _ 2014
I.D.'s Read:
Left to Right
Lynn Townsend (58)
Steve Martinez (57)
Barbara (Hancock)
Dourian (60)
Skip Townsend (57)
Diane (Riggins)
Diane (Riggins)
Mcrary (59)
Nazaar (Jr.) Ashjian (57)

Husband Bob Platzer 
Linda (Nelson) Platzer(59)

Monty Rich (57)
 Wife Sheila

 Larry Delaney (57) 

Sally (Cummings) Grant (59)
Left side - Front to Back

Mike Milstead (57)
Steve Martinez (57)
Lynn Townsend (58)
Skip Townsend (57)

Right side-Front to Back

Jr. Nazaar Ashjian (57)
Barbara Hancock (60)
Diane Riggins (59)
Linda Waite (58)
Carol Baulo (59)
Mike Milstead  (57)
Sally (Cummings) Grant (59)
Larry Delaney (57)

Mike Milstead (57)
Skip Townsend (57
Bob Platzer  -
Husband-Linda Nelson
Larry Delaney (57)

Gary Malone (59)
Dick Williams (57)
Onalee (Holmes)
Harry Axcell (57)
A typical conversation at the reunion:

Skip is attempting to sell the merits of Viagra.....Bob can only laugh and no one knows what is really going through his mind !  Larry is repeatedly heard saying "Skip, are you kidding me!"
Lennita (Lambdin) 
Nicholson (58)

Barbara Hancock (60)
Carol Baulo  (59)
Steve Martinez  (57)
Diane Riggins (59)
Jr. Ashjian (57)
Linda Waite (58)
Skip Townsend (57)
Lynn Townsend (58)
Mike Milstead (57)

Linda Waite (58)
Dick Tattersfield (58)
wife - Leanne
Richard Hilliard (57)
Polk Riley (59)
Diane Riggins (59)
Dave High (59)
How to clone a smile :

1.) Polk and Dave join hands.
2.) Polk and Dave tickle the spine of Diane.
3.) Diane giggles and Dave and Polk giggle at the giggle.
George Snow (57)
​Wife Paulette

Then comes the stillness...the faces from the past are gone. The big meeting room echoes no more......the laughter has faded to nothing. 

The memories from live and constant chatter have retreated into the deep parts of the mind. 
Many hours after all the rest have retreated back into the comfy of the home.....the few survive and here they are :

Lennita (Lambdin) Nicholson (58)
Diane (Riggins) McCrary (59)
Pam (Denton) Brown (59)
The Historical Quote Goes:

"When one decides, things happen"

When Pam (Denton) Brown (BHS-59) "decides".....a BHS Reunion Happens !

This website page is just one  outcome of Pam's work ..........

All those that attended enjoyed the memories, the renewal of friendships and in many cases the discovery of new friends.

Thank You Pam !!

Larry Delaney (57)
Dave High (59)
Jim Hume (58)
Pam (Laruent) Valera (59)
Husband - Lou

Remember The Recent Movie  "Dances With Wolves ?

Clic on button below to see the original version (1958)
Ron Vitt (58)

Dick Nieport  (59)
​Wife - Karen
Bob Anderson  (59)
Wife - Micki

Carol (Baulo) Anderberg (59)     

The last Group Photo taken  !!!
Here's that button again !

And, we know what that means.....
Clic on button to see
Pete Barbosa  (59)
​Wife - Diane